Saturday, March 5, 2011

Our Bad! The Women We Left Off the Top 100 Female Characters List

Ann Marie Marlo Thomas That GirlWhen we released our list of the top 100 female TV characters of all time, we knew there were egregious omissions, some which pained individual TV Squad editors personally.

We spent many, many hours debating who should go on the list, where various characters should rank and who should be named No. 1. Tears were shed, blood nearly was and longstanding collegial relations threatened to turn rancorous.

Readers often ask us how we came up with lists like these, and honestly, it's more of an art, not a science. We wish there was a formula, but for the top 100 women list, we considered many factors: timelessness, iconicity, cultural impact, popularity, uniqueness. We also sought to represent different genres, time periods, professions and ages. Soap characters, young girl characters and characters from British shows were all excluded (the first two groups will get their own sidebar lists!). And at the end of the day, it's our list, informed by our preferences -- so many of our personal favorites rose up very high in the rankings.

But, we can admit we messed up in some cases. Marlo Thomas, you're totally right about Ann Marie. Mea culpa. And that's just one shameful snub pointed out by our bloggers and readers. So here's our "oops" list of (some) overlooked female characters ... No doubt, there are more!


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Ananda Lewis Kate Bosworth Tamala Jones Yamila Diaz Alicia Keys

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