Sunday, March 6, 2011

TNA News: Eric Bischoff's View on Current PPV Format May Surprise You

Former WCW boss, now current TNA employee Eric Bischoff believes the current state of wrestling PPV's are antiquated.

This was in response to a fans Facebook question. The fan asked Bischoff if he thought there was too many pay-per-views.

His response was, "Definetly need to drop the number of PPV's." Bischoff added, "The business isn't hot enough to sustain the current number and doing them hurts the long term viability of the category."

He also stated, "Worked in the 90s. Not now. Just my personal opinion. It will take balls and vision to change the model."

This is interesting to see, since Bischoff is noted as being the originator of the monthly pay-per-view format. In the 90's, he saw the demand for more wrestling events and felt monthly pay-per-views would generate more money. At the time he was right, and definitely made WCW some serious cash.

I am not entirely shocked by his comment, as wrestling fans have been complaining about the same thing for years. Most of us just want to see better content and not a monthly pay-per-view that was half-assed thrown together.

In fact, many fans have come up with very intelligent ways to make less pay-per-views work. Hopefully, the two major companies will start listening and make a difference to their pay-per-view format.

TNA in particular would benefit immensely from this, as it has been reported they are struggling financially. This would be an easy transition and quick way to save some cash and increase buy-rates for the remaining pay-per-views.

Don't get me wrong, WWE would benefit from this also. However, it would be in the form of content. Less pay-per-views would allow the wrestling titan's writers more time to come up with viable story-lines.

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